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Dr. Becky Smith

Associate Veterinarian
Practicing since 2014


B.S. Aquaculture
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A mermaid

What do you have for pets?
A five-year-old giant breed mutt, and a 14-year-old cattle dog mutt who rules my life.

What little known fact about you would surprise clients and maybe co-workers?
What I look like without a mask!!!

How long have you worked at Atlantic Veterinary Hospital?
Since September 2020

What is your favorite part about your job?
That I get to be instrumental in making sure pets live their best lives

In your opinion, what animals are the most misunderstood?
Painful animals. It can take so much understanding of behavior, anatomy, physiology, and medicine to identify pain in our companions. It’s my job to work with families on how to identify and then HELP animals in pain.

If your pets could answer one question, what question would you pose?
How are you so good at forgiveness?