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Memorial Tributes

Tributes to the pets we have loved

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” – Anatole France

Memorial Brick Order Form
Would you like a more permanent memorial for your lost pet? Purchase a Memorial Brick which will be installed on our front walk. All money collected will go into “Frank’s Fund.”

Memorial Brick Order Form

What is Frank’s Fund?

Frank’s Fund was established by a young boy determined to help animals and their families in times of crisis. The fund was named in honor of Saint Francis, the patron saint of animals, and is now under the guardianship of the doctors and management team at Atlantic Vet. In the same spirit of compassion in which the fund was established, over years time, our clients have generously contributed to Frank’s Fund. These contributions allow us to off-set the cost of medical care when families are in need of assistance.