Dr. Sue Meaney
Associate Veterinarian
B.A. English with a minor in Poetry- Tufts University
B.S. Chemistry- Tufts University
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine- Tufts University
Member the Veterinary Association of the North Shore (VANS)
Member of the Massachusetts Veterinary Medical Association (MVMA)
Member of the American Veterinary Association (AVMA)
Great Dane Service Dog Project
Honoring Freedom Dog Rescue
What is your UN-official title at Atlantic Vet?
Oh, boy. I think you should ask the girls in treatment …
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A veterinarian. Absolutely. Since I could talk.
What do you have for pets?
My handsome 5 year old make German Shephard, Lieben (German for “love”) who was born on Valentines’s Day; “Mary” the amazing cat that came to us on the 4th of July, 2015; and “Sophia” (or “Mr. Fishie”if it’s a boy) the fish.
What little known fact about you would surprise clients and maybe co-workers?
I spent 2 months in Nairobi, Kenya working with AIDS orphans.
How long have you worked at Atlantic Veterinary Hospital?
One very awesome month!! (January 2017)
What is your favorite part about your job?
Making a owner smile because I made their pet’s tail wag.
In your opinion, what animals are the most misunderstood?
If your pets could answer one question, what question would you pose?
Why do you punch me to wake me up every morning?